
Il racconto di Sabrina | "Unboxed" Erasmus+ Youth Exchange a Tesáre, Slovacchia - 8-16/10/2021

Il racconto di Eva e Francesca | "From Migration to Integration" Erasmus+ Training Course a Bihac, Bosnia e Erzegovina - 27/08-05/09/2021

Il racconto di Franca e Berta | "D'ING – Designing for Learning" - Erasmus+ Training Course a Weimar, Germania - 10-16/10/2021

Il racconto di Francesca e Matteo | "Stop Infodemic Hold on to Reality" Erasmus+ Youth Exchange a Edremit, Turchia 2-12/09/2021

Call Erasmus+ Youth Exchange a Pontevedra, Spagna - 13-21/11/2021

Call Erasmus+ Training Course a Góra Kalwaria, Polonia - 22-30/01/2022

Il racconto di Juri e Mattia | "ECOnnecting the World" Erasmus+ Youth Exchange a Curbeni, Romania - 27/08-06/09/2021

Il racconto di Luca, Marianna, Martina, Nicolas e Simona. | “The Mindfulness Project” Call Erasmus+ Youth Exchange a Neoi Poiroi, Grecia - 07-15/09/2021

Il racconto di Valentina | "INsight" Erasmus+ Youth Exchange a Plovdiv, Bulgaria - 23-31/08/2021

The experience of Antonio | "Educate YOUth" Erasmus+ LTT Training a Ranca, Romania - 12-19/09/2021

The experience of Lucy & Vanna | "Educate YOUth" Erasmus+ LTT Training a Ranca, Romania - 12-19/09/2021

The experience of Artur | "Educate YOUth" Erasmus+ LTT Training a Ranca, Romania - 12-19/09/2021

Il racconto di Daniela | "Improve Yourself" Erasmus+ Youth Exchange a Wisła, Polonia - 06-14/09/2021

Continua il nostro lavoro con Hate Fighters! Ecco i Local Training del progetto "Hate Fighters Network Workplan 2021"

Il racconto di Lorenzo | "Dare to Draw" Erasmus+ Training Course ad Grotniki, Polonia - 06-14/09/2021

Il racconto di Tony | "P.O.E.T.R.Y. - Power Of European Talented Romantic Youth" Erasmus+ Youth Exchange a Neoi Poiroi, Grecia - 20-29/08/2021