BEYOND - Rethinking
Intercultural Learning
Erasmus+ Seminar
28th June – 3rd July 2015, Corato, Italy
Multiculturalism, Intercultural Learning
and Cultural Diversity
This seminar project was born from the
need to reflect, to process, to rework the concept of INTERCULTURAL LEARNING
after many years through which this topic was mainstreamed at different levels,
in formal and non-formal education, in youth work. And still is a topic that is
needed in nowadays society, in Europe and all over the world.“BEYOND” will
focus a specific element, referring cross-culture and multiculturalism: the
“real life oriented” perspective of differences in everyday life.
In specific, we will explore how all the
elements that are rooted in cultures and shape our everyday life, (Food,
Music, Languages, Identities, Communication patterns, Relations, time, personal
culture, relation towards other cultures, roles in society), can be even more
worked, developed in international projects, and most of all how these
international projects can have a deeper impact at the local level, where the
“intercultural dimension” and multiculturalism become extremely concrete and
“everyday life issues.
With “BEYOND” we will create the proper
space and time through which we will have an ideal look-back at the knowledge,
the practices, the competencies, the tools which were developed about
intercultural learning, in many trainings, seminars, by trainers, participants,
youth organizations, institutions, and then look-ahead, to see which steps are
needed to go forward.
The seminar aims at raising awareness on
the importance of the “Intercultural LearningDimension” of youth workers,youth
leaders, organizations; how to make steps-ahead with the practices of ICL; how
to improve the quality of international trainings and projects on ICL; how to
bring and have a deeper impact in the local communities supporting a better
understanding of different cultures.
Who? YOU!
If you are a youth worker, if you work
with youth workers, if you are a community-organizer,if are an intercultural
mediator/facilitator, if you are an intercultural trainer who:
- Are interested in non-formal education, culture, intercultural topics, active participation;
- Have a minimal experience with the European programs for Youth;
- Believe in values such as: understanding between different cultures, social responsibility, sense of belonging to a community, youth active participation;
- Are at age of 18+, speak English and are willing to be an active participant in the entire seminar duration.
Accommodation and meals will be provided
by the project.
Hosting organization: Beyond Borders (Corato)
Project coordinator and contact person: Elena Torelli
Team of trainers: Milena Nicolic (Serbia) – Panayiotis Theodorou
(Cyprus) – Salvi Greco (Italy)
I partecipanti selezionati saranno ricontattati dall'associazione il giorno 22 aprile 2015.
Vorremmo che a questo seminario partecipassero i membri della nostra associazione, in primis! Anche gli "esterni" possono candidarsi! In tal caso sarà possibile tesserarsi: la tessera di Beyond Borders ha un costo di 20 euro (e ha validità per l'anno 2015)!
Per candidarti al progetto scarica l'application form e invialo insieme al tuo CV in inglese all'indirizzo con oggetto: "CANDIDATURA BEYOND".
Si prega di inviare l’application solo in caso di reale interesse e in corrispondenza con i requisiti precedentemente descritti.Se siete interessati o per qualsiasi domanda