Nuova opportunità di partecipazione in un progetto Erasmus+ con Beyond Borders: Training Course Erasmus+ "Between Difference and Equality: Social Inclusion of Minorities"
Posti disponibili per: 5 partecipanti (18-30 anni) e un group leader (18+)
Dove: a Albergaria-a-Velha, Portogallo
Date: 23 - 29 giugno 2019
Descrizione del progetto: Our intention is to work acculturation and interculturality through traditional activities. This will be the motto for a group of young people to come together to promote their roots and to discuss and experience the value of traditions as a unifying element of peoples and cultures as well as their formative value, since this fosters the sharing, cooperation and acceptance of self and others, values that we want to see instilled in the young people who will build the future of Europe, which we want to be tolerant, equal and respectful of our heritage and culture.
The young people who will participate in this exchange will have the opportunity to develop their capacity for questioning and critical reflection on the society in which they live and their origins, contributing positively to becoming enlightened, autonomous citizens aware of their role in society and cultural values that surround them.
At the same time, they will benefit from the sharing of a multicultural adventure that will open horizons so that they stop looking at Europe as an abstract concept, instead, receiving a sense of belonging in relation to an Europe of which they are part. This experience will help to break down barriers to diversity-related stereotypes, a problem accentuated by the recent crisis in migratory flows.
Paesi partecipanti: Italia, Portugal, Estonia, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania.
The young people who will participate in this exchange will have the opportunity to develop their capacity for questioning and critical reflection on the society in which they live and their origins, contributing positively to becoming enlightened, autonomous citizens aware of their role in society and cultural values that surround them.
At the same time, they will benefit from the sharing of a multicultural adventure that will open horizons so that they stop looking at Europe as an abstract concept, instead, receiving a sense of belonging in relation to an Europe of which they are part. This experience will help to break down barriers to diversity-related stereotypes, a problem accentuated by the recent crisis in migratory flows.
Paesi partecipanti: Italia, Portugal, Estonia, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania.
Requisiti: Aver raggiunto la maggiore età, essere interessati alle tematiche del progetto.
Maggiori info sui requisiti: http://associazionebeyondborders.blogspot.it/ 2016/07/frequently-asked-questions-requisiti-di.html
Lingua del progetto: Inglese (si richiede un livello base-intermedio).
Condizioni economiche: Vitto e alloggio coperti al 100% dall’organizzazione ospitante. Il costo dei biglietti di viaggio sarà rimborsato da parte dell'organizzazione ospitante fino ad un massimo di 275€ a persona. (Le eventuali eccedenze sono a carico del partecipante).
Maggiori info sui rimborsi: http://associazionebeyondborders.blogspot.it/2016/06/frequently-asked-questions-rimborsi.html
Il Progetto è realizzato nell'ambito del Programma ERASMUS+ promosso e finanziato dalla Commissione Europea.
Quota di partecipazione al progetto: 30€, previsti come quota associativa di Beyond Borders (valida per l’anno 2019). Chi possiede già la tessera 2019 non deve rifarla.
Scandenza candidature: 30 marzo 2019
Si prega di inviare l’application solo in caso di reale interesse e in corrispondenza con i requisiti precedentemente descritti.
Per candidarti al progetto compila il seguente formulario in inglese, in modo dettagliato ed esaustivo soprattutto nella parte motivazionale: https://goo.gl/forms/Xs2mptRhgHxNZy933
Solo i partecipanti selezionati saranno contattati via mail e sono invitati a confermare la propria partecipazione via mail entro i termini concordati con l'associazione.
Per ulteriori informazioni: associazionebeyondborders@gmail.com