Nuova opportunità di partecipazione in un progetto Erasmus+ di Beyond Borders: lo Youth Exchange Erasmus+ "Let’s look back and see the future…Europe"
Posti disponibili per: 6 giovani (18-30) e 1 group leader (18+)
Dove: a Slanic-Moldova, in Romania
Quando: 15-24 settembre 2018
Descrizione del progetto: The project has as a starting point the worrying situation at the local community level of the project partners regarding the integration of young people belonging to national minorities and immigrants in the society. In most european countries there is a state of tension and pressure on the danger that immigrants pose to society in general and to young people in particular. This situation escalates the fears of young people for the future and leads to radicalization, intolerance and discrimination towards other young people of different nationality. The solution to the above paradox is not complicated: social inclusion does not only mean tolerance and acceptance of other cultures. Young Europeans today are already "globalized", happy to try foreign food or visit other countries. The problem comes from the uncertainty of their future, from the insecurity that they can find a job. Of course, the easiest in this situation is to blame the young immigrant. Having the problem clearly defined, we propose we implement a project that will help young people to gain the necessary skills for accessing the labour market.
Main objectives of the project:
1. Cultivate among the participants a mix of competencies that combine the acceptance of other cultures and the improvement of the personal development abilities through entrepreneurial initiatives, with the goal of increasing chances to access to the labor market;
2. Create a network of multipliers (youth workers) who, through their participation in the project, will implement the activities experienced during the project in their local communities;
3. Create a tripartite cooperation model (NGOs, young people and local authorities) that can be exploited on a larger scale in a mainstream system, in order to become an example of good practices and strengthen the capacity of the 6 partner organizations in social inclusion activities;
4. Comprehensive recognition of the skills of the young participants in the youth exchange, using a dual approach to assessing entrepreneurial skills (self-evaluation and learning by experience), as well as uniform validation and recognition through the YouthPass;
Paesi partecipanti: Italia, Grecia, Spagna, Polonia, Turchia.
Requisiti: Aver raggiunto la maggiore età, essere interessati alle tematiche del progetto, avere pregressa esperienza nel lavoro con i giovani e con i progetti Erasmus+/internazionali/locali.
Main objectives of the project:
1. Cultivate among the participants a mix of competencies that combine the acceptance of other cultures and the improvement of the personal development abilities through entrepreneurial initiatives, with the goal of increasing chances to access to the labor market;
2. Create a network of multipliers (youth workers) who, through their participation in the project, will implement the activities experienced during the project in their local communities;
3. Create a tripartite cooperation model (NGOs, young people and local authorities) that can be exploited on a larger scale in a mainstream system, in order to become an example of good practices and strengthen the capacity of the 6 partner organizations in social inclusion activities;
4. Comprehensive recognition of the skills of the young participants in the youth exchange, using a dual approach to assessing entrepreneurial skills (self-evaluation and learning by experience), as well as uniform validation and recognition through the YouthPass;
Paesi partecipanti: Italia, Grecia, Spagna, Polonia, Turchia.
Requisiti: Aver raggiunto la maggiore età, essere interessati alle tematiche del progetto, avere pregressa esperienza nel lavoro con i giovani e con i progetti Erasmus+/internazionali/locali.
Maggiori info sui requisiti: http://associazionebeyondborders.blogspot.it/ 2016/07/frequently-asked-questions-requisiti-di.html
Lingua del progetto: Inglese (si richiede un livello intermedio).
Condizioni economiche: Vitto e alloggio coperti al 100% dall’organizzazione ospitante. Il costo dei biglietti di viaggio sarà rimborsato da parte dell'organizzazione ospitante fino ad un massimo di 275 euro a persona. (Le eventuali eccedenze sono a carico del partecipante).
Maggiori info sui rimborsi: http://associazionebeyondborders.blogspot.it/2016/06/frequently-asked-questions-rimborsi.html
Il Progetto è realizzato nell'ambito del Programma ERASMUS+ promosso e finanziato dalla Commissione Europea.
Quota di partecipazione al progetto: 30 euro, previsti come quota associativa di Beyond Borders (valida per l’anno 2018). Chi possiede già la tessera 2018 non deve rifarla.
Scandenza candidature: 31 luglio 2018
Si prega di inviare l’application solo in caso di reale interesse e in corrispondenza con i requisiti precedentemente descritti.
Per candidarti al progetto compila il seguente formulario in inglese, in modo dettagliato ed esaustivo soprattutto nella parte motivazionale: https://goo.gl/forms/b7MRHjQyPCu63mgi1
Solo i partecipanti selezionati saranno contattati via mail e sono invitati a confermare la propria partecipazione via mail entro i termini concordati con l'associazione.
Per ulteriori informazioni: associazionebeyondborders@gmail.com